Daily Life Signs!

How real is Darwinism?

Do we actually believe in Big Bang theory?

Or do we even care about anything that is beyond our Daily routines?

Got myself caught in a Blog Surfing episode when I went on a wild goose chase trying to find about something in this new Digital clutter of internet- resulting in what appears to be nothing short of a Digital Hunting!In that process I realised that there are very creative minds every where & very spontaneous individuals who have an inordinate amount of talent and expressing capability that they have utilized the advancement of Internet and Blogs to express those.

This certainly opened my eyes! Started looking around and paying attention to every day events more - and still find it fascinating that I have been looking through a straight jacket lifestyle - missing the fun that every day events bring.

I promised myself to impulsively capture those every day moments and relish the same - Yes Spontaneously & with out making a science out of it decided to write what I felt and experienced and read it later to see what changes time and experience will make a critique out of that experience!

Just every day events and moments! Absolute Experience!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

A Bright Red Morning!

It was 4:30 AM. Yes in the morning! I reset my eyes to awake and get off the bed and slowly crawl to the bath room.  This is much better than the other times when I had to be up all night.

Colgate greets my mouth but fails to bring that shiny teeth out for a smile. Decided to skip my Taster's choice as I grab my Canon for an experience which will take at-least another three years to come by. Overlook my jacket for my nylon black sweater with raised collar hoping it will keep my neck in check for my outdoor venture.

As I grab my Tripod My mind fails to remind me to take that knife with me which I will regret while I am on the field. My blue jeans should come in handy with those many pockets full of goodies. take some nuts for my ulcer while I am waiting on the earth to chase that Moon down.

Throw that Tripod in the back seat and crank up that lazy Chevrolet. it was my mistake for letting the heater thrown in the cold engine air on my face as if I didn't know any better! A mile down the road and I see my destination was not as far as I thought it was. And the Green Room experience was there right by the side walk. Throw my handbrake and leave the engine running while I grab the Canon by its collar and step out to embrace the cold air. 

As I stretch the legs of my Tripod I look around to see for a parking spot while I angle the shot. Anywhere could be that sweet spot I tell myself as the NASA engineers failed to acknowledge the clearance from mother nature. It seemed too short for my 400 MM even for an early morning peek at the horizon. Curse my intuition and decided to throw them all in the trunk as I take a round trip to get my 2x. This time it took longer than reality as the Earth decided to make a move. Inching closer to full - the darkness was creeping while the light from the racing Sun was bringing dawn to the cusp of my love.

Same spot a few minutes later looked no stranger than before but made it easier for my spot glass to getup and go. Slide my glass. over my forehead and squint my eyes through the viewfinder. As the 400 failed to fill help me focus use my hands to slide the glasses back and forth. Sharpness might have to come from my light room 3 as the darkness made my eyes feel shy to look at that less shiny face.

As the Moon failed to light the sky even on this full moon day - Mother Earth showed her Prowess on who is mightier in this part of the world. As my Tripod try and hold the Canon's creepers I feel the lack of sharpness from that distant knife. And I start to lose my warmth in the edges of my body as I crawl back into my car to keep that blood going. Still had a long way to go said my Rolex not knowing how to keep promises let alone time.

with my creative juice taking charge of my fingers I bow down to Mother nature as the Moon blushes as the Earth stands in front  while hiding the bright and shiny Sun. May be a few seconds- even on my fast moving Rolex was not enough  to stop my shaking Canon  from framing that blemish less Copper Red Moon and my heart went coo coos holding to that breathless moment!

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