When I saw the plant budding and ready to blossom - decided to be patient and start timing the growth of the flower.

An interesting thing I learned about Wind and Flowers! It looks so appealing behind the viewfinder to shoot. But gauging the wind's impact was impossible - till you see the result. Thanks to the advancement in Digital technology - now the lag is minimal. In the early days - it was just a crap shoot as all these cameras had such a huge time lag - one has to be very lucky to really get what he or she planned for.
In a controlled yet time intervalled shoot - it is really painful to assemble all the gadgets - from holding the steps to having the right tripod to avoid creepers!

From bud to flower though it took a few days - it was really fascinating to watch the various stages it grows through. Looking through the close up lens gave a very different perspective.

From bud to flower though it took a few days - it was really fascinating to watch the various stages it grows through. Looking through the close up lens gave a very different perspective.
With a good lens and solid tripod - a single layer of a petal looks beautiful and looks amazing from differing angles. Sun plays its magic on shades and reflections.
Now Wind - certainly there are times in the day when it looks like modern art! Nope - just enjoyed the walk and returned with no shoot.
Even though its been only a few years since we started getting some decent cameras with immediate play back - excellent memory capacity & battery packs -

I had forgotten how difficult it would have been without any of the new developments and gadgets.

I had forgotten how difficult it would have been without any of the new developments and gadgets.
With the light shining from different directions gave me opportunity to see how it actually develops and directs itself to the direction of the sun light.
When it finally reached a full growth stage I was hoping to see a bumble bee nearby to make the cycle complete! No such luck- but it was really rewarding to watch it grow and see them in digital form.

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